Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rest Day!

Yay! I love rest days. Rest days mean I can actually focus on the things in my life that I am "supposed" to be doing. You know...cleaning the house, getting extra hours in at work, running errands, etc. No training. (Repeat to self: NO TRAINING!) And no feeling guilty about not training either.

On today's schedule: I am currently getting in those extra work hours. Next up is a shower and then maybe a trip to the grocery store (if I can manage to get a shopping list put together - this always takes way longer than it should). Then, if I'm really lucky, I'll have a nap. What good is a rest day without a nap anyway?

Okay, here's a question, hypothetical of course, for the ladies: Let's say you dropped your BCP down the bathroom sink's drain this morning. Do you take tomorrow's and be off a day for the rest of the month, or do you skip a day and hope for the best?


Kelly said...

When I was on the BCP I was always forgetting to take it...skipping days in a row, I'm terrible at those things. You only missed one day?!...you're definitely safe!

But then I'm no doctor!

Anonymous said...

Rest? What exactly is that?

I tried to look it up, but my dictionary doesn't include that word.

Anonymous said...

As for the 'question' ...

I wouldn't know. A 60-second 'procedure' eliminated the need for those around here.


Downhilldiva said...

I say take it and be a day off. I would also use a back up method but then again I am fertile Myrtle. I'm likely to be prego now just because you missed your pill.