Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm Over Scheduled

I messed up today.

I spent the day goofing off and doing whatever I pleased. I rode my bike to work and I wasn't supposed to. Then I rode home and went to 7-Peaks Water Park for the rest of the day. I was really enjoying myself too; actually spending some down time relaxing for a change.

Then I found Slingshot. He was floating around the lazy river and he motioned to me about the time. I shrugged. I didn't have a clue what time it was. "Who cares? I'm having fun." Then he shouted, "Don't you need to be leaving?" Oh, crap!

By the time I found a clock, I discovered I was already 10 minutes late to an important meeting. I considered for a second actually trying to still make the meeting. But then I realized that by the time I got there, I would be at least a half hour late.

So I stayed at 7-Peaks, and still enjoyed myself, even with a little twinge of guilt hanging over my head.