Monday, July 28, 2008

Results Are In

I got the results of my bloodwork back today. What I found out is that I have an unusually high count for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Normal range in 0-99, and my count is over 4000. Basically, I have mono. So that explains why I've been so incredibly exhausted lately!

The good news--

  • I can continue to justify my daily naps.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the EBV is not highly contagious.
The bad news is that there is nothing more that can be done to fix it. I'll just have to continue to be tired for a while until it passes.

I'm going to have a nap now.


Anonymous said...

My wife has been feeling extra tired lately, too. Maybe you gave it to me via one of your pictures and I gave it to her. ;)

either that or I just bore her to sleep.

You doing TdPC or is the virus going to be your convenient excuse?

Rio's Rider said...

I believe I put the NOT highly contagious part in there for a reason.

I'm leaving TdPC up to those who are truly sick.

Anonymous said...

sick in the head, you mean.

Downhilldiva said...

Oh no! Well at least you know there is a reason for your fatigue. Rest up girl! There is not much good in the way of races soon anyway. Get rested for Sanpete!