Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'm Burning Up!

There's something that I want and I can't have.

I hate that.

(Hint: It's at the bike shop right now.)


Unknown said...

Break out the credit card and teach a few more spin classes.

Rio's Rider said...

Aw, I wish it were so easy...

Unknown said...

Hey, at least I didn't take the easy jab and ask if the wrench guy in the back room was married and that's why you were so sad.

Rio's Rider said...

Oh, you are so bad! You make me laugh, JE! It does look that way, doesn't it? Oops!

But, I'm still not telling you exactly what it is.

Here are more hints (which are totally not going to help my case in convincing you otherwise):

It would fit me perfectly,
it's a SECRET weapon,
it's beautiful,
it's fast,
and it's EXPENSIVE.

And a few more Spinning classes aren't going to help me.

Anonymous said...

there's a 49cm SL2 you could order.

Rio's Rider said...

Don't tease me, Shady!