Thursday, February 7, 2008

Music Experiment

I'm trying out this new (to me) music site to see if I like it.


Rio's Rider said...

Experiment gone bad...this did soooo not work the way I was hoping.
Oh well.

Downhilldiva said...

Not bad. It is inspiring me to try to make a new spin mix for tomorrow. It would be good to freshen things up. We should exchange some mixes it looks like we use similar stuff.

I can't wait to get out on the road tomorrow!!

Rio's Rider said...

I'd like to do a music exchange with you. Let's talk more about it tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Marci's love of Collective Soul runs deep in the spin family

Rio's Rider said...

Is that where I get it from? I could have added a lot more of it, too! I love it, love it, love it!

Anonymous said...

Here' a link you might like

Rio's Rider said...

Cool! Looks promising! I'm always looking for new music.