Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Open Letter to Creepy Gym Guys

Dear Creepy Old Men in the weight room,

I realize that you go to the gym to watch the ladies workout. But let me lay down some ground rules for you:

I AM NOT YOUR girl. Please do not tell everyone that I am, especially when you don't think I can hear you.

I do not need help with the weights. I know my limits, please know yours.

As much as you'd like to see me in the pool, I'm not going there, so don't ask.

When I have my headphones on, it means that I don't want to talk. Try not to interrupt my workout. I'm not at the gym to socialize.

I do not want to see your crack. Please pull the pants up!

I really don't like your sweat on my shirt. Please don't use me as your towel.

As a matter of fact, don't touch me. It makes me uncomfortable, and I could get fired if my boss sees it happening.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Rio's Rider