So, I managed to talk myself out of going to the RMR crit yesterday. It wasn't too hard after looking out the window at the snow and thinking the race would be cancelled. I don't know if I appreciate the RMR crits the way they are meant to be appreciated. Besides, for me, RMR is a dragstrip where dragsters and hopped up muscle cars are raced at speeds over 100 mph. Those were the days.
I think I'm going to need someone to come drag me to the race next weekend. I can't miss next week too. I've been too down on myself the whole weekend for missing yesterday's race. I don't like it when I'm down. Plus, the weather is supposed to be nicer next weekend. So I will have no excuses.
So, see you at RMR in 6 days.
Oh, before I go, I have a question for all you mountain bikers: One of my St. George friends has invited me down to ride the JEM trail. Is it very technical? Would it be worth the drive to St. George?
5 years ago
The weather was bright and sunny, though ~35deg. It was only cold when the wind gusted. I thought it was going to be snowy and gross and cloudy too.
If my coach makes me go, you have to go too! You do have a good excuse though, Orem is pretty far from RMR. $$$ is tight. I don't know if I'd make that drive every time.
If the weather is okay this coming Sat. I'm going to ride from 9th & 9th with everyone else. I hope to see you there! :)
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