I'm starting to feel better. Good thing. My life is starting to ramp up again, and I'm going to need to feel good. Hmmm...maybe I got sick because my life has ramped up...
One of the other Spinning instructors at my gym is on maternity leave. I've taken over her classes. They are the early morning classes. You know, the classes that they hold when you are in bed sleeping...or should be. It's dark when I LEAVE the gym after class. That's how early these classes are.
I've never claimed to be an early morning person. To add insult to injury, I started taking these early classes the day after setting the clock forward an hour. Nothing quite like getting up three hours earlier than you're used to getting up - day after day. Somedays I wonder what day it even is...
But, strangely, I like it. I get so much more done during the day when I get up so early. I'm going to ask to keep these classes once maternity leave is done.
Last week, I started working extra hours for my desk job. Then yesterday I get this email from my boss, "your good work is desperately needed...we invite you to step it up." Oooookaaay... I thought I just did just "step it up!" So, now - because I have to be the best at everything I do - I am again adding more hours to my work schedule. Gotta keep the boss happy...
Yes, you read right: I said I have to be the best at everything I do. Having said that, you may wonder why I suck at bike racing. Well, I'm still out there trying because it drives me crazy that I can't be the best at that too. Let's just say that for now I'm doing the best I can at it for what I am capable of doing. I may just have to accept the fact that I can't be the best at EVERYTHING. It doesn't mean I won't keep trying.
5 years ago
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