I'm not exactly sure how this blog-tagging game is supposed to work, so I'm making up my own rules. I was called out on someone's blog to post six facts or habits about myself, and I have to try to use things I haven't already posted about. Then, I'm going to name a few people I'd like to hear from. And if you find your name here, consider yourself tagged and post your own six facts on your blog. This post is something I haven't wanted to do (don't like exposing myself), but, it's better than doing what I'm supposed to be doing at the moment. So here goes!
(Oh, one more rule I just thought up: if you're the one who put me up to this, you MUST leave a comment!)
1) I love the smell of freshly sharpened pencils. Especially Dixon Ticonderoga brand pencils. And to show my appreciation for the pencil, I have to pick at the sharpened part (brings out the smell) and rub it under my nose until the sharpened part is gone and there's nothing left but a big, long lead. The lead eventually breaks off and I have to resharpen the pencil and start all over. I've had this bizarre, but comforting, habit since the 5th grade. So if you come to my house and notice a bunch of deformed, short pencils, you'll know why. I'm working on one right now.
2) I enjoy watching the clothes wash in the washing machine. I know...washing machines were made to free up time. And it's usually when I'm the most busy and have the least amount of time that I find myself staring, mesmerized, into the washing machine.
3) Okay, enough weird habits. I'll move on to some facts about myself. When I was six years old I was riding on the back of my uncle's bike. He had reminded my to hold my feet out so that they wouldn't get caught in the spokes. I got lazy and forgot. I now have a still-painful-when bumped scar on the outside of my ankle. For years I wondered why the scar was on the outside of my ankle when the spokes should have hit the inside. Recently I figured out that I must have been on a banana seat where the long posts go down the side of the wheel. I guess I must have skewered my ankle on the bottom of the post.
4) I have a talented tongue. I can touch the end of my nose with my tongue. I can fold my tongue in half backwards and it stays like that without holding it against the back of my teeth. I can also make a really loud popping sound off the roof of my mouth with my tongue.
5) Um...this is getting hard. What to write, what to write... Hmmm...
I have never been to Texas. But I have been to both the east coast and the west. I've been to Canada and to Mexico. I hope to go to Switzerland someday.
6) And last, but not least. I own too many pets. I have a chocolate lab, two hermit crabs, a bearded dragon, and a mouse at my house. I'm always having to stop myself from bringing home even more pets. Growing up I had a dog, sheep, pigeons, ducks, a rabbit, and a pig (not all at the same time). I would love to have a bird, a puppy, and a snake. And probably some fish. Kittens are pretty irresistible, but I'm allergic.
So there you have it. Some totally useless facts about Rio's Rider.
Now, I'd like to see some interesting facts about Crazy4Rammstein, JE, and Sling. I'd also really enjoy reading some by T-Bird, DH, and Turbo, but that's asking a lot, I know.
One last thing. If you normally get a Christmas card from me, please don't be offended if you don't get one this year. Unfortunately, cards have been bumped to the bottom of my to-do list for now.
5 years ago
Ummmm, I've never been a fan of, nor one to play along with, chain letters or similar such things.
Still, I'll give you six facts about me.
1: My kids are cuter than your kids. (you = everyone else)
2: I made the first 3-point basket in Idaho high school history.
3: I have shattered two backboards while actually dunking basketballs.
2/3a: I'm not a very good basketball player - anymore.
4: I quit a job as a newspaper sports editor once to be a stay-at-home dad and didn't regret it for a minute.
5: I'm left-handed.
6: My birthday is on April Fools Day. Which explains a lot.
First, I was waiting to read that you have an obsession with earlobes...why wasn't that mentioned? I remember Rowdy and the pigeons, but I had no idea there was a sheep, pig, rabbits...and what about your bird? I'm trying to remember the name...squeech or something like that? I think that a lot of people must have the same problem as you this year (or maybe I am just a big loser) since I have only received 4 cards so far. Of course, we haven't even taken our picture yet....glad to see you played!
Who is a fan of such things? Like I said, I didn't want to play either. It was either play this game or die of boredom at work.
Thanks for taking the time to post your answers. It's fun to learn things about someone I consider a friend, yet I've never met. :-)
I can't believe I forgot about Squeech! He only came to college with me. What a dork I am!
The earlobe thing...meh. Not so much anymore. Pencils are readily available, earlobes, not so much.
You remember the pen in the backyard? That's where we kept the various pigs and sheep. They didn't stay long as they were intended as food, not pets.
Thanks for finally checking in!
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