I'm thankful for the snow this year. I really am. It's doing a lot of good for the spring flowers and the lawns, and it's providing us with plenty of water.
I feel like a big wuss saying this, but I think I may pull out of the Polar Pedal ride this year. The route out to Saratoga is mostly on outback country roads. Country roads = less traffic to help melt the snow = more snow on the road. My skinny tires don't do so well on snow. If there's going to be snow, I'm going skiing (not that I'm any more skilled at that than riding in the snow).
I just read about the Squaw Peak ride here. I was hoping to do this ride as well, but it looks like I'd need a mountain bike. Oh, why didn't I ask Santa for a mountain bike? Or a cross bike? That would have fixed everything. I want a do over.
The weather forecast looks like more snow is expected throughout the weekend. I can handle the cold temperatures, but not slick, icy snow. I really don't care to fall over and get bloody, dislocated fingers (as promised for the Squaw Peak ride). If the roads are reasonably clear on Monday, I'll ride. Otherwise, those who show up at Macey's at 11 a.m. are on their own. If I'm not there, then good luck to you, my die-hard riding friends.
5 years ago
Here's the MSN weather forecast for Dec. 31:
Sunny skies. High 26F and low 15F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.
Well, that looks better than the 5 degree forecast you predicted the other day.
It's not Dec. 31st I'm worried about, it's the days leading up to it. Snow and more snow. Blah!
You know, when I didn't care about riding, and I wanted it to snow all winter long, we had droughty, dry weather the whole winter. Now that all I want to do is ride, we have those beautiful white winters I used to long for. It's all my fault, I'm sure.
If I must, I might just do a good ride from my part of the valley down Redwood and into Utah County. Traffic might be light enough that I can find 25 miles of semi-clear road.
The Old Bingham Highway-Herriman loop is a decent bid of road, too.
But I agree with you in general. I have no interest in slipping, sliding and falling all over an icy road. Methinks finding a stretch of pavement that's in the flat, open west side is what I need to do.
I REALLY can't wait for the kids to go back to school so I have my days 'open' again.
Two words:
'Cross bike
2nd job
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