My Telos Turkey Tri team came in second place! Wahooo!
And they managed to do it without me.
I spent last night on the overnight rapid weight loss reduction plan. Lost two pounds. I wouldn't recommend throwing up repeatedly as a real good way to lose weight, however.
Anyway, back to the tri...
Last night I called Binlaw and told her that I wouldn't be biking today and that my team needed her help. Binlaw is pretty amazing on a bike. She said she'd be happy to help out.
So this morning Sling headed over to the tri to get my team put together for me. Since I was the only one who knew all team members, I figured that he could go and make introductions for me. However, Binlaw didn't show up. Decided to sleep in instead. Wouldn't answer her phone or her door. Grrr!!!
My team decided to just roll with it. The runner ran a 5K in under 19 min (I don't have exact numbers yet) and came in with the top five. The swimmer jumped on my bike and did really well, especially since he doesn't normally ride, and he was on a bike he wasn't familiar with. Then he went and did an awesome swim, passing most everyone and coming out of the water second.
I'm so proud of my boys! I wish I could have been there.
5 years ago
Run 00:18:46.890
T1 00:00:30.210
Bike 00:30:33.200
T2 00:02:37.640
Swim 00:05:39.750 (#1 overall swim time!)
Pay attentions all you triathaletes. Apparently biking before swimming makes for an excellent warm up.
At least my excuse was 10 bags of leaves.
/hanging head in shame
Hey! Who are you calling a wuss?
If I wasn't still so weak, I'd come kick your butt! :-) I know where you work, you know.
Or maybe I should just make you come bag my leaves too...
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