(Note: Just in case any of you read this earlier and are wondering why it's completely different now: I didn't like the way this was originally posted, so I edited it.)
I have a lot to be thankful for.
1) The ability to ride my bike, even when it's so cold it's probably not a good idea. I went out bright and early this morning for a frigid two-hour ride. It was soooo cold! 22 degrees F to be exact.
2) I'm thankful that I have plenty of cold-weather gear to keep me warm. I was bundled in 2 base layers, arm warmers, a long-sleeved jersey, two jackets, shoe covers, ear warmers, and a balaclava. They did their jobs well. I came home just a bit sweaty, but not overheated.
3) A coach that gives me what I ask for. Back when I asked if I could please ride on Thanksgiving Day, the weather was still really nice and warm. He indulged in my request for some holiday stress relief and gave me a two-hour workout. I hope he'll be just as understanding because I didn't follow the plan exactly as it was laid out. I had a certain workout I was supposed to be working on, and I had stupidly invited some other crazy friends along for the ride. Why was that stupid, you ask? Because I spent the whole ride fighting between trying to keep up with the group and doing what I was supposed to be doing (which wasn't hammering). It was really frustrating. I finally ended up accepting the fact that I was riding off the back, no one was going to wait up, and I really just needed to ride my own ride. Still, even when I was focusing on what I should be doing, my heart rate was way up there. Maybe the frozen air had something to do with it.
4) I'm thankful for good friends. Such good friends that they are willing to ride with me on a day like today. Here's a picture of the crazy cold-weather riders:
Pictured are Sling, Me, Coach Girl, and Phil. (I really am thankful for that balaclava, even if it was scrunching down my eyelids and making me look goofy for the picture.)
5) I'm thankful for family. It was great to see so many of them today. Because I am loved, I got to enjoy not just one, but two feasts today. Good thing I rode my bike this morning!
There are many more things to be thankful for. I'm sorry I don't have the time to list them all.
I hope you all had a wonderful day!
5 years ago
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