I woke up this morning feeling worse than I have all week. But I had a Spinning class to teach, a vet appointment to get the dog to, and an appointment with my school adviser, so I got up and moving regardless.
I barely made it 30 minutes in Spinning before my bruised and swollen knee said, "No more!" I had to teach the rest of class from off the bike.
My dog shed all over my car on the way to and from the vet.
But the worst part of my day came when I went to see my advisor down at UVU. I was already running a little late when I pulled into the parking lot to find that it had been blocked off due to re-painting. I hurried and turned around to go find another lot I could park in. The only lot was on the opposite end of campus, and it was a pay lot. Not happy that I had to pay to be there, I rushed to the building where my meeting was, only to find the doors locked. I knew I was there during lunch, but it seemed a little weird that they would lock things up. I went to another door. It was locked too. Third time was a charm and I found an open door. I went inside and hurried to the advisor's office only to find that it was locked too. By now, I was livid. I had wasted time getting there, had to pay to park, and now it looked like the advisor had forgotten our appointment. I sat in a chair and wondered how long I would have to wait for someone to come let me in. The next thing I knew a policeman was yelling at me to get out of the building. He was angry and mean! As I got up and headed for the door, I asked him why I needed to leave. I never did get an answer from him because he just wanted to play power games, telling me that I shouldn't have come in when there were "all those police and firemen out front". I had come in the back door, and hadn't seen any emergency personel.
Later, my advisor called to reschedule the appointment and told me that the police had evacuated the building because of either an anthrax or ricin scare. She thought it was probably ricin. Great. Somehow I really don't think I need to be worried, but knowing my luck lately, I was probably exposed.
I'm really hoping this concussion goes away soon so I can get back to being my normal, happy, positive self!
5 years ago
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