That's how I would word my status on facebook today...if I were looking at facebook. I'm TRYING my best to not look at facebook. I see too many things there that drive me crazy! Plus, it's too easy to be obsessed by it. So I'm trying to show some restraint.
Anyway, back to feeling guilty about not riding. Guilt is not supposed to be an emotion that I feel. At least that's what I tell myself. But when it comes to training, or rather the lack of training, I often get those guilty pangs.
It was such a nice day. And looking at the weather forecast, it may be the last nice day for awhile.
Here are my lame excuses for not doing what I was supposed to today:
1). I used all my hardest profiles in Spinning classes this week. Plus, I taught extra classes. I'm pretty tired...even though I'm still an hour and a half short on training time for the week. GUILT!
2). I promised the guy running today's tri that I would come and help course marshal when I got out of class this morning. Even that didn't work out for me. I ended up having to do an unexpected bike fit after class, and by the time I got outside to the tri, they didn't need my help anymore. So I went and watched the poor people struggle, some off their bikes walking, up the 11 percent grade climb.
3). Mervyn's is going out of business and I HAD to go see if they had anything I couldn't live without. They didn't. But I did waste too much time looking.
4). I had to go to the grocery store. There was seriously nothing to eat in the house, so this shopping trip really couldn't wait. By the time I got to the first isle of the store I realized that my pubic bone was no longer in place. If you've ever had yours out of alignment you know how much it hurts. This made the grocery trip last about four times longer than it should have.
5). By the time I got home it was time to make dinner.
6). Then it got dark.
If the planets align, I will make it up tomorrow.
5 years ago
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