Coach Girl was hit by a car this afternoon. Luckily, she came away from the accident with only minor injuries: 5 stitches and some scratches and bruises.
She was out doing the Telos Tri route. As she was descending down the hill at UVSC (UVU, whatever), a car pulled out of a parking lot right in front of her. She locked up her brakes and skidded into the car. As she hit the car, she was flipped right over the hood. Upon landing on the other side of the car, her first thoughts were on her brand new bike (an Orbea, in case you're wondering). She said it was "mangled." She picked it up and moved it out of the road before realizing that she was hurt too.
Even though I wasn't there, I'm pretty shook up about it. My two closest cycling buddies have EACH wrecked twice this year. I haven't had any mishaps any more serious than tipping over when I was learning how to use clipless pedals (please don't let me jinx myself here!). Now I've gotten to wondering when is it going to be MY turn? My confidence is a little shaken right now. How long is my luck going to hold up?
5 years ago
It reminds me of a scene I came across a month or so ago. I was just coming into SLC and a cyclist was down in the middle of an intersection and his bike was 10-15 feet away and mangled.
An ambulance was approaching, so I didn't stop, but there were a bunch of people on the scene.
I love to go fast and sometimes am tempted to fly through stop signs or yellow lights. That crash, though, reminds me to always keep my head up and never trust a car to stop or its driver to see me.
Most are fine. I just don't ever want to find the one that isn't. Not so much for me, but for my wife and kids. I want to ride with my little boy soon.
Ride like you're invisible. Act like you don't think they can see you. Maybe this motto has helped me avoid a few of my own accidents.
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