Feeling good on the ride this morning. Coach Girl, Ragla (my LOTOJA partner), Binlaw, and myself went out for a short, 1-hour, ride. About 5 minutes into the ride, I kindly asked Binlaw to move over so I could make a hill attack on Coach Girl. I went tearing past everyone and away. Nobody went with me (although I later heard that some of them tried). When I realized that I was so far out, I had to rein it back in and wait up. I don't want the reputation of showing off on a group ride. But I was showing off. I couldn't help it...I felt good!
After that, I got lots of comments like: "How many more times are you going to do that?" "What kind of training ride ARE you doing today, anyway?" and "Next time Rio's Rider goes, it's our job to stay with her!" (Bet you can't guess who made that last comment.)
Never train with your friends when you're peaking.
17.5 miles in just over an hour with several shortish, steep hills. The climbing didn't seem to bother my back today. Hopefully it's getting better!
Starting my taper tomorrow for Saturday's race.
5 years ago
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